In order to achieve success and fulfilment, it is essential that your professional life/career aligns with your authentic self, leveraging the strengths and talents you naturally possess.
This article helps Enneagram Type-3 (Successful Achiever) personality to discover their unique hidden talents and forge the career path(s) that best suits their personality.
If you chose one of the below career paths, you have very high chances to excel (vs just perform) in your profession with a good sense of fulfilment. You would outperform others by unleashing your natural hidden potential/strengths.
This does not mean that you cannot or should not take up any other careers which are not listed below. You could ‘perform’ in any career that you take up and reach a level of success, but you might not have the job fulfilment and might not be able to unleash your natural hidden talents/potential.
Of course, we also need to consider other factors like the current market demand, growth path and the pay scale for different career paths.
But the career paths based on the personality is a starting point and gives us a GPS to navigate our career paths through our life.
Enneagram Type-3 (Successful Achiever): With situations and with people, you can spot endless hidden potential. Life is a huge playing field with unlimited ways to make an impact—and you are keen on making the best with what you have got. Dealt with a less-than-optimal hand of cards? It is your turn to play to your advantage wisely. You know exactly how to set realistic goals and push your personal growth forward.
With your hidden talents, you:
- See the hidden potential in others
- Persevere even when the going gets tough
- Empower others to reach higher goals
- Turn down time into prime time
- Freely share stories of failure and learned lessons
- Seek out ways to incorporate optimism into your life
Type-3’s are often drawn to positions that involve high visibility and are goal-oriented, with a ladder of achievement they can climb to succeed.
- Business Professionals: Many Threes are successful at all levels of business, ranging from office staff all the way to independent consultants and executives. Business environments give Threes the structure to create outstanding, successful work.
- High-Visibility Professions: It is common to see Threes in high profile occupations that also support others, such as doctors, lawyers, and dentists. Threes are able to meet measurable goals of success in these professions, while helping others.
- Politics: A sense of wanting to help others, combined with the ability to know what it takes to win, gives many Threes an interest in running for office, running political campaigns, and other related positions.
- Communications: High-visibility mass communication positions, such as those in broadcast and radio journalism, public affairs, newspaper reporting, and social media, fit the Three’s polished image and assertive, goal-oriented mindset.
- Marketing and Sales: Positions in marketing and sales departments, as well as independent positions like real estate agents, allow Threes to perform and sell, and to use their sense of polish to meet goals and sell quality products.
- Human Resource Professionals: Many Threes end up combining their strong business sense with a desire to support other professionals in the HR department.
- Performers, Entertainers, and Athletes: An interest in entertaining others and knowing how to meet goals and succeed often make Threes polished stars in the entertainment and performance industries, and extremely successful athletes.
- Public Relations: Threes are often successfully employed as agents, spokespeople, and public relations managers who use their image awareness to present companies and individuals in ways that create success.
- Coaches: Threes make excellent personal and business coaches, and are particularly good at inspiring people to set goals and present their best, most authentic selves to succeed in their chosen fields.
- Image Consultant: Threes know how to create the polish necessary to help others succeed, and make excellent suggestions in areas like personal grooming, polished manners, and high impact speaking.
- Motivational Speaker: Threes can be wonderful motivational speakers who inspire others to go forth and achieve their own dreams.
- Athletic Support Professional: Athletic coaches, personal trainers, sports medicine doctors, and other careers in sports and fitness give Threes a place to help teams and individuals meet their athletic goals.
Feel free to connect with me if you want a guided self-discovery of Enneagram typing session to know your type. This would be 100% accurate. This would help you to choose the most fulfilling career paths and to unleash your potential.